Transmission 14.1: 'ADD TITLE'
This is a broadcast for designers and time travel facilitators. It has insights about the speculative practice, and tools we use in our method that they could try as well. Today we launch MARIA.
designer in residency spring 2022 (and 2050)
‘ADD TITLE’, a new case for applied speculative design research
doubt, introspection, hope, optimism, joy, doubt
This spring, together with Maria Jedryszek, we are using speculative design and introspection to inform a possible researchers’ method for futures design (or future designers). For about 12 weeks we will broadcast discoveries of this project via The Time Travel Transmissions and Instagram; the next transmission arriving in 3 weeks or less.
We believe that the speculative designer’s research method shapes every aspect of the design process. And that there are as many methods as there are designers. Lastly, that these methods are the fulfilment of the search for space, curiosity, and emotional equilibrium– they intend to ease the stress of modern imagining.
For Maria’s residency, we decided to put the spotlight on the speculative designer–researcher as they face the challenge of applying their discoveries and absurd dreaming. What is the method they follow? Do they let us see it? Do you, dear reader, do this as well and hadn’t noticed? In what Unknown can all this be applied?
[Maria is interested in the processing of prototypes: how do they go from rapid to interactive? In the power of artifacts (“it is perfectly valid to serve lumps of sand as a gourmet meal”), and their simplicity (“simple forms, objects that surround us, become a facilitator in sharing emotions, stories, creating new experiences and dreaming of futures”); finally, in applying artifacts and time traveling to business].
‘ADD TITLE’ will be, partly, a documentation of experiments, observations, and reflections.
[The want is to make “something beautiful that is unwrapped to reveal little components, with views to the backstage, communicated in many ways. How you interact is different than the message: you see one thing and you get one message / you touch another thing and get another message. For instance, you could be looking at stone, and when you reach to it, you touch rubber”].
Ideally, ‘ADD TITLE’ and its outcome will be a new method that speculative designers could experiment with, in order to get to their questions of research… to become better speculative researchers.
[We will be departing with philosophical thought experiments (we start with language), and landscapes (we start with islands, unaware of their isolated nature)].
We hope to keep adding value your practice and your optimism with every transmission.
To stay true to the purpose of these transmissions, and taking from Shelley Jackson, we’ve prepared something of a giveaway! With this FREE TOY, The Time Travel Transmissions celebrates the narrative design that will uphold the ‘ADD TITLE’ project.
In other words: the official story of what you will learn will be understood with this shape.
All you’ll need is:
a black Sharpie
a good grasp on the numbers from one to 121
a printer or a nice, big screen
alright… a piece of paper to place between Sharpie and screen ;)
Maria Jędryszek is a designer, researcher, and filmmaker currently investigating social design and the discursive practice. She aims to provoke discussions about speculative futures, social and environmental sustainability, human perception, and the unseen.
Maria holds a BA in industrial design from the Strzeminski Academy of Art and an MA from Kolding School of Designs’ Design for People program. Her portfolio.
We are testing a time travel residency of applied research to support young designers. Get in touch if you’d like to know more of our dreamplans.